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Boot Camp

Want to get involved in a pioneering youth mentoring project at KingsHeart? Meet people and make a real difference?

If you’re a young person aged 13+ and you’re interested in exciting opportunities to develop skills from drama, dance, teaching and communication - this is the place for you! We kick off at 7:30am on Monday nights in the main hall and ends it 9pm. The evening starts with a big welcome, ice breaker and short inspirational thought before we breakout into groups at 8:05pm.

This usually evolves around:

  • Drama,
  • Object lessons,
  •  Story telling,
  • Dance & singing,

But who knows… you could even end up starring in a short video!

You’ll be equipped to take the torch forward in running the Big Kids curriculum in an exciting and supportive environment. We then wrap it up at the end of the night and checkout what we've alll been working on! Its positive, inspiring, fun and design to take you to the next level.

What to get involved?

We would love to hear from you, so get in touch!

Location: the Main hall @  Kings Heart Church, 262 Pettits Lane North, Romford, RM1 4PJ.