Here to help
In addition to help given by members or groups within KingsHeart Church there are many ways that the local churches support each other to provide various kinds of help:
If you need counselling help we know a number of local Christian counsellors (some members of this church) whom we could recommend.
Sozo (which in Greek means wholeness in body, soul, and spirit) is a method for helping people resolve often longstanding emotional issues. Sozo sessions typically last 2-3 hours. Sozo does not compete with counselling but can be an effective alternative.
Financial Problems?
The Christians Against Poverty charity can provide excellent help.
There is a night shelter operated by teams of people from various churches in the Borough to which you can be referred.
No food? Foodbanks, to which you can be referred, exist in the Borough. Again, these are run by people from churches in the Borough.
Physical Healing
We believe in praying for physical healing at our church and would love to pray with you.
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